Our Services for Renewable Energy Plant Owners in Germany and Europe Our service offer for Renewable Energy – Solar/ Wind – Plant Owners in Germany and Europe comprises services such as Project Co-Development for Solar and RE Plants, Owner’s Engineering, Planning, Project Management, Plant & Facility Technical Management and Monitoring as well as Technical Advisory Services. Including new schemes such as self consumption, energy storage and energy management Conceptual, Basic & Detail engineering, Project Management and Supervision, Plant & Facility Optimization Modelling, Technology and equipment/material concept, Energy supply concept (direct supply under PPA, storage and management, conservation/green/CO2 reduction mechanism, distribution and grid management), Green/Eco Marketing and PR concept Project management and control, Project supervision, Documentation, Technical training for the customer’s staff (Annual Contract Basis) Technical due diligence, Site assessment, Re-modelling concepts, Appraisals for use by third parties, Project budget costing, Analysis of existing concepts, Investors’ documentation Solutions for time-critical or difficult project problems
Service Scope
Independent & Client-Focused
Overview of Our Services for Renewable Energy Plant Owners
Co-Development Solar Power Plants, Owner’s Engineering, Plant Management & Technical Advisory Services
Our Service Categories:
Co-Development Solar Power Plants & RE Plants
Owner’s Engineer
Plant & Facility Technical Management/ Monitoring
Innovation & State-of-the-art solution